ARTS IN RI is hosting an April contest! The contest will run from April 1st through April 8th. Fellow team member Lisa of
Pinklemonadeboutique has generously donated a beautiful handmade bag called Sakura: Featuring imported Japanese cherry blossom fa
bric, trimmed in natural linen, and embellished with a detatchable handmade felt flower. It measures 11.5 x 9. Check out each of the Artsinri shops (you will find a link to each in the right hand column of our blog) and find our April Arts In RI logo hidden in a featured item in ONE of the shops. When you find the gray and purple logo
convo me the item number and the name of the shop you found it in and you will be entered into a drawing for Sakura. You must have an etsy account, or sign up for one
here (it’s easy and free) The hunt will end at midnight EST on April 8th. The Winner will be posted here on our blog and be contacted via convo on April 9th. Good luck and happy hunting!!!!
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The logo and handbag go so nicely together! I wish I could enter the contest!
The fabric is gorgeous on the bag !!!
Love the bag! It is so strange but everywhere I turn at the moment I see and read about Japan. It is either Japanese Furoshiki wrapping, the fabric or wearing colour according to the seasons. It's amazing how it's influence is penetrating the blogging community at the moment.I think I need to book a ticket to Japan soon....:)
The bag is beautiful! Thanks for the fun contest. I have my fingers crossed for a win :)